Monday, June 25, 2007

What'cha bringing?

So, to make sure that we're not doubling up on too much stuff. I thought that I'd mention a few non-clothes non-toiletries things that Liz and I are bringing with us on the trip, as well as a request or two. Feel free to add on what you are bringing in the comments, as it may help others to plan.

Ian and Liz are bringing:
Acoustic Guitar, plus looping pedal if I can fit it
The complete Beatles song book (otherwise why bring the guitar?)
Tennis Rackets (this will give Mom and Dad a chance for revenge after the vicious butt-whooping that I delivered at raquetball the last time I was at home)
Archos music player for tunes
Some DVDs (perhaps Firefly and Planet Earth? Maybe The Fountain or Pan's Labryinth?)

Ian and Liz don't have:
If there is room in one of the cars a box fan would be nice for Liz if the units don't have one already.
Some way to play tunes from a music player (Laura and Jon are bringing a laptop for this but if someone has a better portable speaker system that would be cool as well)


Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday night dinner

We've decided, OK so I decided to bring dinner for sunday. I hope everyone likes fish. The best fish are running right now and we will bring one for the main meal.

Julie is free finely and I have one more day til freedom. Then I get to start the summer fight with contractors, they don't seem to want to call back.

We are counting the days down.

See everybody then, have a safe journey.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007

Tickets Purchased

Just dropping a line that Liz and I picked up our tickets over this last week. On the 30th we'll be in Denver at 4:04 in the afternoon and on the 7th we are due to fly-out of Denver at 1:26pm.

I'm really starting to look forward to this trip! Although leaving Seattle in the summer is always a little sad, as we only get three months of sun a year. But what a beautiful three months they are....

And now, as I've rambled on and have no idea how to end this post, here is a funny cat picture from my massive collection of funny cat pictures...

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Colorado Shakespeare Festival

I know this is a slightly late response but I like the idea of going to see the something at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival! :) I especially vote for seeing A Midsummer Night's Dream -- so fun!

Hey thanks for putting this blog together Laura.
~ Liz

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I'm here

Guess I'm here--hope you all had a wonderful Easter (weather excluded of course)
We have dinner guests tonite, house guests coming in Thursday for a long weekend, and I'll be at a church music conference in Indy from the time they leave till the 20th, so it will be awhile before I actually do anything....actually not sure I'm doing anything on the internet as I type!!
Love to all
Nan (nlf???)

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Colorado Visit

Mom and Grandma already added this post, but it was in an earlier comment section so I figured that I would break it out as a full post so that everyone could see it.


"Now, this is Mom and Grandma. Finally. Bop and I have been in Boulder, and seen the Chataqua. Nice place. I'm not sure how we will spread ourselves out, but will manage I'm sure. It is beautiful and we will have lots of fun. I picked up a lot of stuff from around there. Matt has is now. When they (matt and Karen) get home, they will help me scan and get the stuff on the web. I am excited now. "